What is the best practices for Pinterest story pins?

Do you want to know how to Create a Pinterest Story Pin to Grow Your Traffic?

Pinterest has now announced a full beta launch of Story Pins, which looks to tap into the social Stories trend with a platform-unique approach.

As explained by Pinterest:

"Story Pins is an all-new type of Pin and publishing option that gives creators a way to tell dynamic and visual stories with videos, voiceover, and image, and text overlay. We're making it easier for creators who are eager to share their talent, passions, and creativity to flow back directly into Pinterest without the need for a website. For Pinners, this means the ideas within a Pin will be more engaging and actionable."

How to Create a Pinterest Story Pins to Grow Your Traffic.

The difference here is that these are contained within a Pin, as opposed to a separate Pinterest Stories feed, while Story Pins also don't disappear after 24 hours.

"Story Pins can be saved to boards for later and will be discoverable over time. They'll also be distributed across the home feed, search results and places like the Today tab, and benefit from the visual discovery engine that matches new ideas to people with relevant interests and tastes."

The post is a transcript of a presentation from Jeana Kin-Timmons @jeanakimmons at Pinterest Creators Festival "Pro tips: Best Practices for Breaking Through the Feed"

Get the insider scoop on creating content that gets noticed. (You'll hear it straight from our creator's management team.)

How to get my content to stand out in a feed?

Best Practices to Get Your Content Seen on Pinterest

Best Practices to Get Your Content Seen on Pinterest

There Three Ways You Can Share Content on Pinterest.

  1. Standard Pin
  2. Video Pin
  3. Story Pin (new in Beta-test)

In Story Pin, you can combine video, photographs, and Text all in this multi-page format directly from your phone.

You can request access by filling up the form.

Pinterest considers them "Powerful formats for Creators and perfect for all types of content" share your favorite recipe, styling tips, skincare routines, how to, at-home workouts and etc.

What Makes a Story Pin Good?

#1 Start with VIDEO on the cover page

Showcase final product & use text to indicate what's this story is about right on that cover. The video definitely attention-grabbing, especially when they in the feed. This important, because if you want to stand out in feed you want to hook your audience right away.

#2 Video/Image Slides

What you need

  1. Slides (videos) to help readers understand what they might need to try that recipe, that look, that how-to.
  2. Step by step process breakdown. This will be multiple slides and therefore, the bulk of your Story Pin. Use as many pages as you need for this part to show each step.
  3. Result + CTA. Show your audience the final creation and ask to take an action.

📌 Recommendation. Let the audience know that this story is part of the series. EX: "Check out my style tips board. I post there every Monday" or "Follow me for more holiday cocktail recipes"

#3 Pinterest Populated Creator Follow Page

Every pin also has an auto-populated creator follow the page at the end, that has a Follow button. So readers encouraged to follow you to see your content first.

How to create Story Pin

Here Are 6 Best Practices You Can Use to Create Story Pin and Get Found In Pinterest's Smart Feed:


Open your Pinterest app. Tap the + icon to start creating. You can work from an existing draft or start fresh.

Check out June Ambrose – What's Cooking in June's closet? WFH Edition

add first page to story pins


Tap the + icon in the middle of the screen to add the first page and start capturing content in the native camera. Upon selection, you will see a camera frame populate were you to film content withing the Pinterest App or select pre-recorded content from your existing photo gallery. You can trim and edit that footage right inside the Pinterest app.

  • :60s video max
  • Select content from your image/video library
  • Selfie Mode Option
step 3 add more pages or c=videos to story pins


After adding your first page, you can add more pages, duplicate, reorder pages, or delete pages. After your pages are created you will move into the editing phase. Where you can pinch to zoom/resize your video or image.

step 4 add text to a story pin


Add text by tapping the "A" icon.You can choose your font and create more than one text box if needed. You can also specify text color, specify text duration and transition animation.

📌 TIP: Tap and hold the text box and drag it to the bottom of the page to remove.

step 5 add music to your story pin


Add music by tapping the music note and selecting a song.

step 6 add call to action CTA to your story pin


Adjust original audio, record voice over for additional details, and lay that over the song.

That's it for story pin creation. Next a little bit more about best practices recommended by Pinterest.

Story Pin Best Practices


Plan out your content like you would any other kind of story. Aim for a beginning, middle and end.

Stories are easier for Pinners to understand and act on when they're broken up into digestible chunks – aka pages.

We recommend 5+ (20 max)



Start with a video on the first page. It's your best chance to stand out and hook you audience.

If you are filming from Pinterest app directly, check out the usual things…

  • Natural lighting
  • Clear focal point
  • Steady hand

Keep videos between :01-:59 seconds.

And don't exceed 20 pages.

Check out Love Sweat Fitness for inspiration.

Start with a video on the first page.


The most engagement stories are the personal one, after all audience connect to you as a person. And that's what will keep them coming back for more content.

Pinners want to learn about you too. Show just a snippet of your life and you will get more eyes on your content.

Check out Ricardo Baltazar

how to make story pin tips make it personal


Your Story Pin doesn't need to be a super complex recipe. Just focus in on one idea and make it shine.

how to make stroy pins tip make it personal


Optimal Copy + Keywords Inclusion helps:

  • Make title SEO friendly
  • Provide context and clarity
  • Make your content understandable, when audio isn't an option for viewers
  • Use the "details page" at the end of the creation flow to list needed ingredients or materials.
  • Avoid links to your copy

📌 TIP: Avoid adding links in your copy. By keeping your Story Pin link-free, you will drive on-platform engagement and grow your audience on Pinterest and beyond.

Check our that's Chelsea | plant-based wellness

How to make pinterest story tips add details about your progect


Add a clear call to action at the end of your Story Pin. Pinterest recommend using short, actionable phrases like

  • Comment,
  • Try,
  • Tried it? Let me know,
  • Great idea,
  • Love,
  • Wow,
  • And Thanks

 to drive engagement or conversion on the Story Pin and provide feedback to the creator.

how to make story pin that convert

Are Story Pins Useful to Your Business?

I really like how Kate All from Simple Pin Media did coverage on how to use Story Pins for business.

You can listen to a podcast here ⬇⬇⬇


What Makes Inspiring Content

According to Pinterest research of content on Pinterest platform.

  1. Novelty
  2. Relevant
  3. Visually appealing
  4. Positive
  5. Actionable

The highest performing pins on the platform have at least two of these five dimensions.

how to make content on Pinterest that stand out in feed


Inspire a new, original or different take on something familiar.

Content that fills fresh and imaginative. Quick tips on how to make a new spin on an old idea.

  • Use custom photography
  • Avoid posting content that already exists on Pinterest
  • Add value and create new trends
  • Give content a new spin to differentiate it from the rest.


On Pinterest, the most relevant and inspiring ideas win.

Build content by leveraging everyday interest, seasonal holidays, mild stones, and cultural moments, things like "How to decorate your home for the holiday". Or content that speaks directly to the moment like weddings and parties.

Build for diverse audience

Provide details that help pinners decide if a pin is right for them. You can do that by using a title to specify the audience like easy dinners for busy dads.

Visually appealing

Fuel Pinners' imaginations with possibilities they can visualize.

Pinterest a visual platform so design and imagery are integral to the success of a pin.

Here are some quick tips to create eye-catching pins that grab pinners' attention when they scroll through their feed.

  • Lead with compelling images
  • Try going monochrome
  • Add a pop of color
  • Embrace pattern
  • Get textured
  • Play with space
  • Pick a product hero
  • And most importantly make it human.

📌 PRO TIP: USE text sparingly and only when necessary. The text should cover less than 30% of the image. Make sure it's legible (no super tiny text).


Bring Pinners inspiring content that lights them up.

Pinners are seeking out positivity throughout the platform now more than aver.  The content that embodies good vibes. Something that pinners gravitate towards. Whether it's motivation quotes or uplifting massaging.

Here the fact: More than 30 million people are pinning quotes each month.


Encourage Pinners to get out in the world and take action offline.

Make pins that people love to save.

Best Pins inspire people to try to make your new ideas and give them the tips and details to bring that inspiration to life. When you create a pin, think about what your audience may be interested in, and what information they need to get started.

A few tips for this one.

  • Identify a clear subject or theme
  • Always add a title and description

Use a description field to list the ingredients or step by step instructions, particularly for recipe pins. Always credit your sources.

Audience + Trends

Leverage Audience Insights

Audience insights are powerful because it shows you what your existing and potential audience is interested in, vase on their behavior on Pinterest.

With the business account, you can use the business account dashboard to get a better glimpse of what your audience is in too.

The results may surprise you.

pinterest audience insights

Pinterest Trends

A self-serve tool for any business or creator to plan a Pinterest first strategy by exploring the top trending terms on Pinterest.

With trends you can..

  • Get inspired with cold-start cards
  • Explore top U.S. search terms
  • Refine with auto-complete suggestions
  • Dive deeper with related terms
  • See a term's top Pins
pinterest trends

Key Takeaways

Start creating story pins today, request early access on resource page. LINK

Use Pinterest best practices and five dimensions of inspiring content as you start to create story pins. Leverage audience insights and trends to help you create engaging content.

Publish Story Pins weekly and cross-promote on other channels.

📃 CREATOR COMMENT: "My audience grew 80% in 30 days. It's the most my account has ever grown in a single month. The only thing I've done differently is to create Story Pins."

Wondering if you need to make some improvements to your Pinterest account and strategy? Overwhelmed with where to start? Want to be sure you're working in the right direction with your Pinterest marketing? With a Pinterest audit, I take a close look at your overall Pinterest strategy and account to give you a clear picture of where you need to improve your Pinterest strategy.

Best Pinterest Management Services provided by Pinterest expert and strategist Irina Nikitina


3-part mini-series will give you an overview of how to audit your brand's Pinterest account and make sure you are getting the most out of your time and money.
✨ READ PART 1: "How to audit Pinterest profile."

✨ READ PART 2: "How to audit Pinterest boards."

✨ READ PART 3: "Are your Pins optimized?"

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