
How To Link A Blog Post To Facebook From Wordpress

How to Embed an iFrame in WordPress

  • Last Updated: October 15, 2020

There are many uses on the web for embedding iFrames into your website. This could include videos, images, or even other websites. You can even use iframes on your site to save storage space on your site by embedding content from another server.

Here we'll show you how to embed an iframe in WordPress with and without a plugin. Additionally how to make YouTube embeds responsive.

What is an iFrame?

iFrames have been part of the html since its creation. iFrames allow websites to embed content from other websites.

Many sites have new security policies that do not allow them to appear in iFrames in favor of oEmbeds which are natively supported by WordPress. But for sites that do not offer oEmbed support an iFrame can come in handy.

How to embed iFrame in WordPress Without Plugin

The most basic way to add an iFrame in WordPress is to use HTML. This can be done in the "Text" tab of the classic editor.

Text tab in WordPress Classic Editor

If you're using Gutenberg you'll have to add a Custom HTML block.

Custom HTML block in Gutenberg

Here is example HTML to put into an iFrame. You can replace the Bing URL with whichever site you would like to embed with an iFrame.

< iframe src="" height="400"> </ iframe >

iFrame attributes

  • Src – The source of the iFrame, this is a URL. If your site has SSL you need to ensure all iFrames start with https://.
  • Width/Height – Width and height are pixel values defining the size of your iFrame.
  • Frameborder – Setting frameborder="1″ will show a small border around the edges of the iFrame. frameborder="0″ will hide the edges of the iFrame making it flush with your page (good video videos).
  • Scrolling – Whether or not you want scrollbars in your iFrame, values include "yes", "no", or "auto".
  • Align – Set the default alignment of the iFrame, values include "left" "right" "top" "middle" "bottom".

This is not the optimal solution since a lot of hosts will block iframes due to security concerns. That is why it is optimal to use our next method of a WordPress plugin.

Additionally, it's important to note that not all sites will work. For example, the site you're embedding could block itself from being included in an iframe. If your site has SSL also (https:// before your URL) embedding a non-https page via an iframe will not work since browsers will block non-https assets.

Example of a website blocking itself from being put in an iframe

If you're embedding an iframe with a page builder like Elementor you typically can just use their "html" block with the iframe code above.

WordPress iFrame Embed Plugin

The best way to embed a WordPress iFrame is to use a plugin. The iFrame plugin on the repository will give you the best results. This plugin offers the same features as embedding an iFrame but is generated via a simple to use shortcode.

Below is an example of how to use the shortcode for the iFrame plugin.

[iframe src="" width="100%" height="500"]

If you are new to shortcodes all you have to do is add it into your editor after the plugins installed.

Similar limitations will also apply regardless if you're using a plugin or now. If the embed doesn't work most likely the site you're embedding blocks it or you are using https and including a non-https page.

Make YouTube Embeds Responsive in WordPress

If you're including a YouTube video on your page you may notice the aspect ratio isn't correct when resizing the page for responsive web design. This is because iFrames have a fixed height, you can make your embeds responsive by using the CSS below.

.responsive-embed-container {
position : relative;
display : block;
overflow : hidden;
height : 0;
max-width : 100% !important;
.embed-responsive-16by9 {
padding-bottom : 56.25% ;
.responsive-embed-container iframe , .responsive-embed-container object , .responsive-embed-container embed {
position : absolute;
left : 0;
top : 0;
height : 100% ;
width : 100% ;

After adding this CSS to your site you can wrap any video with a div like this <div class="responsive-embed-container embed-responsive-16by9″> which will give it the appropriate class to become responsive. You can see a full example of how an embed would work using this CSS below.

< div class="responsive-embed-container"> < iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen src=""> </ iframe > </ div >

Additionally you can add this code snippet to your functions.php to automatically wrap all YouTube oEmbed with the proper div.

add_filter('embed_oembed_html', function ( $html, $url, $attr, $post_id) {
if(strpos( $html, '') !== false || strpos( $html, '') !== false){
return '<div class="responsive-embed-container embed-responsive-16by9">' . $html . '</div>';
} else {
return $html;
}, 10, 4);

You can also use a plugin like Simple YouTube responsive if you're not familiar with CSS, HTML or PHP.

We hope these tips help you embed WordPress iframes and allow you to share content across domains.

It's important to note that if you're sharing content from popular sites like YouTube or Twitter you can just paste the URL in your WordPress editor. This will use an oEmbed to automatically embed the content.

Andy Feliciotti

Andy Feliciotti

Andy has been a full time WordPress developer for over 10 years. Through his years of experience has built 100s of sites and learned plenty of tricks along the way.

34 Responses

  1. If you have any questions let us know in the comments!

    1. I just want to say your cute Andy. And those codes here have been very helpful!

  2. Great video! Very helpful in helping me get a Tableau map installed on a site I'm developing. Any advice for adding a border or close button? I'm interested in integrating with a Elementors' native 'popup' functionality but haven't quite determined how to best accomplish what you have here.

    1. Not too familiar with Tableau, but you could use Elementor's raw html block and use the embed code from Tableau.

      Or try using this plugin and use the elementor shortcode block to embed the map via the shortcode.

      Hope this helps!

  3. HI, I am trying to embed things )not always videos into a masterstudy lesson. CAn you show how this is done please?

    1. If you're trying to just embed a website it should automatically create an oEmbed card for the site if you just paste the url into your editor. If you want to embed something like a PDF specifically you can use a plugin like this

  4. Thank you for the tip, how do i make sure the iframe does not get longer than the page so i get double scroolbars?

  5. Andy, I have been requested to add a custom widget to a third party portal on our website. I have been attempting this but have been unsuccessful. Any tips for how to apply this? We use BeaverBuilder for front end content.

    1. What is the issue happening? if your site is https and the site you are putting in an iframe is http it will not load. Additionally in WordPress you can use the text widget and select html to use html to embed it. Also if you are trying to do it in beaverbuilder there should be a raw html block you can use to embed an iframe.

      If it's not working most likely it's security related. If it's a WordPress Multisite setup you have to have unfiltered html enabled for it to work.

      The easiest solution is probably to just use the plugin noted above.

  6. Hi,
    Now not work plugin OPEN FRAME in browsers, and not work function Open frame in new tab, and cannot be read iframe on webpage. Is there a solution?

  7. Hi Andy,
    I have followed your video, very helpful and "simple".
    The reason for watching is: I have a Google Sheets published Diagram (chart) (as image) and I would like to embed this in my website.
    I can't get the chart responsive. Do I have to do an extra trick for an image?
    Hereby a link to my "wanted: responsive page.

    Thank you in advance

    1. Hey Ron! Since it's just an image have you tried doing just an image HTML tag?

      <img src="">

      Just tested this and the image will scale properly on your site using this method.

      1. Andy,
        Thank you for the fast reply, a do appreciate ty this much
        Wow, how simple is that 🙂 .
        Sometimes one turnes into a wrong way .
        Many Thanks


  8. Thank you Andy for the video , I'm just wondering if i can embed a part of a page on my website, not the whole page ( a forum for example into my page )
    Is this possible?

  9. hey, Andy, can u do this for google drive embedded video, also I want to disable the top right corner pop-out button

  10. Thank YOU Andy,

    Your post is short, to the point, and FILLED with the info I needed (no hunting through loads of content… pheeew!) as well as a video for the visual learners, like me 🙂 .

    Thanks again,

  11. Hey Andy, I have a bunch of videos on my website already. All embedded by just copy-pasting the embed code from YouTube. Your process requires me to put the div class around every video to work. That would unfortunately take a lot of time. Is there any way to make all the videos I already have become responsive without using any plugin?

    1. Hey Aalok, yes! I'll update the article tonight with the automated way to wrap your videos.

      1. I will be waiting for it. Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it.

        1. Let me know if what I just added at the end helps, I changed some of the class names as well but I think it'll make sense to you 🙂

  12. It didn't work. It says "Unable to communicate back with site to check for fatal errors, so the PHP change was reverted. You will need to upload your PHP file change by some other means, such as by using SFTP."

    What do I do now?

    1. Hmmm how are you adding the PHP snippet? just curious… if it's in your functions.php remember not to include the additional

  13. Here is how my functions.php looks:


    I tried pasting the code at the end.

  14. Can you also embed powerpoint show files? I have powerpoint games that I want to embed on my website. Some buttons on the powerpoint dont work with some plugins.

    1. I'm not too familiar with embedding a powerpoint, it may be a limitation of the web browser making the game not work. If you are looking to distribute games via the browser I'd recommend using Javascript and HTML.

  15. If having problems, exhange the . points with an $ symbol.

  16. This is so helpful! Any chance you have a full list of why a site might not be "embeddable"? For example, it seems like if a site has iframes, it can't be embedded in an iframe?

    1. Hey Kara, many sites do it for security reasons, you can use a site like this: to scan if a site blocks iframes with the x-frame-options attribute. Hope that helps!

  17. Hi Andy, great article! Any chance you can provide some guidance on how to fix the scroll within a scroll in a window? It makes very difficult, especially on mobile devices. Not sure if it's a responsiveness issue or something else? Here is a page as an example:


  18. Hey Andy.
    Thank you so much for your article.. it helped so much..
    quenstion.. it you have the time..
    is it posible to ad a link so when you click the iframe you go to the ad website?
    if posible how would you code it?

    thank you again!
    kind regards Marlene.

  19. Hi

    Can i embed facebook reviews using this method

  20. I tried this responsive code on my wordpress and nothing really happened. Only using width=100% makes the video embeds look at all decent. I have also tried similar codes from others and none of them worked also. Embedding videos without iframe would look the best but I can't get any video views to count on youtube with those, so I probably have to stick with unresponsive embeds?

  21. Hi I'm trying to iframe my teespring website in my wordpress. I have it where it shows up in preview but won't show up on the actual public site after I update. Cn you please help? here is the code I'm using to embed (iframe) my Teespring website into Wordpress.

How To Link A Blog Post To Facebook From Wordpress


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